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20 Creative Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day

It may be cold outside, but there’s definitely love in the air. Winter is a time to cuddle up with a good book, a cozy blanket, a hot chocolate, and of course, the ones you love. Between the colder weather bringing us closer and the approach of Valentine’s Day, there’s no better time of year for romance.

It can be tricky to plan a romantic date in the middle of winter, especially if you want to do something a little out of the ordinary. That’s why I wanted to share some of my favorite winter date ideas. Whether you like to stay in or go out, if you’re a planner or more spontaneous, on a budget or looking to indulge, here are 20 unique ways to spark some romance this Valentine’s Day — and all winter long!

1. Recreate your first date. Was it dinner and a movie? Make a reservation (bonus points if you can remember which table you sat at), then rent the movie and reminisce about what it was like falling in love.

2. Go on a scavenger hunt. Make a list of your favorite memories, then revisit some of the special places you’ve been together. Create little clues for your partner so he or she can guess where you’re headed next.

3. Bake something sweet together. It’s so much more fun than eating store-bought treats. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try a new recipe and cook dinner together first. Then again, if you’re anything like me, you’ll want to have a frozen pizza ready as a backup plan!

4. Plan a movie night at the drive-in. Dinner reservations can be tough to get on Valentine’s Day, so why not pack a picnic and head to the drive-in for a fun twist on dinner and a movie.

5. Learn the salsa. Taking a dance class together will stimulate your minds, get those endorphins going, and spark some romance — plus, you’ll learn a sexy new skill (or at least share some laughs trying)!

6. Get a room with a view. Treat yourselves to a night away, even if it’s at a nearby hotel. Order room service, take in the view, soak in the hot tub, and enjoy some precious time alone together. The change of scenery will help you unwind and relax in each other’s company.

7. Visit a museum or zoo. Walking hand-in-hand through the halls of an art museum or the local zoo can be so romantic. You’ll have plenty to talk about, and you can always do some wonderful people watching when you need a break!

8. Treat yourselves to a couple’s massage. Nothing beats a day at the spa, unless it’s a day at the spa with your sweetie. Valentine’s Day is an excellent excuse to indulge in a little pampering together.

9. Cuddle together under the stars. Set up some chairs in your backyard (this is especially great if you have a fire pit), visit a rooftop bar, or take a drive into the country and stargaze from the hood of your car. Make sure to pack blankets, and get cozy as you gaze up at the night sky together.

10. Go ice skating or sledding. You’ll feel like kids again!

11. Create a photo album or scrapbook together. Turn your favorite photos into a work of art that you’ll have forever. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate your love, and you’ll have a blast looking back at all the adventures you’ve shared.

12. Make a romantic bucket list. Spend some time thinking about all the things you’d like to do together, whether it’s traveling, learning a skill, or finally going to that restaurant you’ve been meaning to try. Once you have your list, start planning how you’ll make your dreams come true!

13. Perform karaoke for each other. Get a little silly and take turns singing and dancing to your favorite songs. If you’re not the performing type, head over to a karaoke bar and cozy up in the corner and pretend you’re the judges for a singing competition.

14. Challenge each other to a cook-off. Pick a simple recipe like pizza or grilled cheese, put your own twist on it, then try each other’s creation. Bonus points if you present your dishes to each other like you’re on a reality show, explaining your vision and any challenges you faced while cooking.

15. Watch a foreign film without the subtitles. Try to figure out what’s happening and create your own storyline. You’ll have so much more fun interpreting the plot than trying to keep up with the subtitles!

16. See a local comedy show. Hit the town and share some laughs together at an improv or stand-up show. Live entertainment is always a fun change of pace from movie night.

17. Go out for just dessert at a fancy restaurant. If you have ever found yourself being too full for dessert after a lovely meal, eat a lighter dinner at home and then go out for a special treat afterwards (including champagne, of course). It’s much more affordable than dinner out, and definitely sweeter!

18. Take a tasting tour. Don’t limit yourself to just one restaurant. Take yourselves on culinary adventure and sample a variety of local food and drinks. Sign up for a food tour, or create your own based on online reviews.

19. Go to the arcade. Channel your inner teenager and head over to the arcade for a super fun throwback date night.

20. Go for a romantic stroll. Not all long walks have to take place on a beach. Bundle up, pour some homemade hot chocolate into travel mugs and get some fresh air as you stroll hand-in-hand. Sightsee your town like it’s your first time visiting, hit the local hiking trail, or wander around a neighborhood you’ve never visited.

What is your ideal date? I’d love to hear your ideas, so please share them in the comments! I hope this list helped inspire you for Valentine’s Day, or any winter date night. If so, share it with your friends and family! And check back soon for Valentine’s Day gift ideas, or visit our site to start your shopping now.

20 Creative Date Ideas for Valentine's Day by


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