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Six Types of Friends Who Are Even Better Than Valentines

There’s a lot of talk about love this time of year, but Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be about the romantic kind of love. After all, romantic love only comes along every so often, but there is no limit to the number of friends we have or the ways in which they fill our lives with love. We find our first friends in childhood and, if we’re lucky, we’ll continue making new ones all our lives.

Some friendships start in childhood and last for years. Others are fleeting but leave a powerful impression. Some are slow to develop but end up being the closest relationship we ever have. There are the constant companions and the long-distance pen pals, friends who keep us young, and friends who help us grow. Every friendship brings something valuable and meaningful into our lives. Here are just a few examples of the kinds of friends whose loyalty, love and support deserve a special tribute this Valentine’s Day:

The Partner in Crime

Lucy and Ethel got into some pretty sticky jams together, but the laughter and fun they had along the way made every misadventure worthwhile. Lucy’s zest for life and penchant for mischief found the perfect counterbalance in her sometimes reluctant but always loyal co-conspirator Ethel.

Whether you’re the one with the zany ideas or the voice of reason who can’t help but go along for the ride (because you know there’s always fun in store), we all need a friend who sticks by you, even in a pickle. This is a friend who makes life more interesting and exciting, and the memories you create together are destined to be some of your favorite stories to recall!

The Inseparable Best Friend

Like PEANUTS pals Snoopy and Woodstock, some friends are attached at the hip. Even though Snoopy wasn’t looking for a friend when Woodstock came along, the little yellow bird won him over and the two became truly inseparable. Their friendship is the perfect example of the kind of love that grows on you until one day you realize it’s actually a really special part of you.

Whether you’ve been inseparable from day one or grew closer over time, the friend who is always by your side is one to treasure. This is a friend you love with all your heart, whose presence is a constant source of comfort, warmth and happiness.

The Childhood Friend

The warm-hearted Olaf from Disney’s “Frozen” is such a delightful reminder of the pure joy and innocence of childhood friendships. Just as Olaf helped bring Anna and Elsa together again, the friends we’ve known since childhood can keep us connected to who we used to be … and who we really are at heart.

There’s something so comforting about this kind of lifelong friend. Maybe it’s all the memories you share, or the fact that you bonded at a time when friendships meant everything, but whenever you get together, you just feel like a kid again. And that’s a friend worth melting for!

The Sister Who’s Now Your Best Friend

Anyone who is lucky enough to have a sister knows what a special moment it is when you realize that the girl who used to drive you crazy has become one of your best and most loyal friends. A sister can be many different kinds of friend – a partner in crime, a trusty sidekick, your first playmate and the greatest teacher you’ve ever had – all rolled into one. A sister shows you how to be there for someone unconditionally, and even if it you didn’t always get along, you now feel incredibly lucky to have her. She’s your sister, your friend – and you wouldn’t trade her for the world!

The Mother Daughter Friendship

The mother daughter bond starts even before birth and lasts a lifetime, but there comes a time when the dynamic starts to shift. The little girl who once needed her shoelaces tied is now a woman of her own, asking for cooking tips and relationship advice. You start seeing eye to eye, and even though she’ll always be your little girl, she’s now become a cherished friend as well. You have lunch together, go shopping together, swap stories about the past and share your hopes for the future, and it’s like discovering a new friend in a warm familiar place. There’s no friendship quite like it!

The Fur-Ever Friend

No list of friends would be complete without a tribute to man’s best friend, the loyal four-legged companions who make big old paw prints on the hearts of all who love them. Anyone who has ever had a dog knows that there’s no greater joy in the world. They are always happy to see you, eager to please you and quick to lavish you with affection, and they ask nothing in return – though of course you’re just as happy, eager and quick to return their unconditional love. As any dog lover will tell you, their friendship is truly “fur-ever.”

No matter what its nature, friendship is an irreplaceable treasure. And Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to show your friends how much you love them. Click on any of the items above to shop – they all make wonderful Valentine’s gifts for friends! Of course, any day is a wonderful day to celebrate friendship, even if it’s just with a warm smile and a big hug. So whether you treat them to a special Valentine’s Day gift, send them a handmade card, or just give them an extra warm hug, make sure you find a way to show your love to the friends who fill your life with love!

Is there another kind of friend that you’d add to this Valentines list? Do tell – leave a message in the comments! Then celebrate YOUR partner in crime, inseparable best friend, childhood friend, sister, daughter – or any friend you’d like to send a smile – by sharing this article with them. Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you!

Six Types of Friends Who Are Even Better Than Valentines by


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