Every year around this time, I, like many of you, find myself reflecting on the years that have passed and the various good habits I …
Tag: jewelry
In ChristmasTags Bracelet, christmas decor, christmas decorations, christmas gifts, christmas gifts for her, christmas gifts for him, gifts for her, Gifts For Him, jewelry, NFL, Rudolph, snowman, Snowmen, sports, Thomas KinkadePublish Date54 Views
Beth Simon
It’s the merry last minute! Christmas is less than a week away, so the pressure is on to check off everyone on your shopping list. …
In ChristmasTags christmas gifts, gifts for dad, gifts for daughter, gifts for granddaughter, gifts for grandson, gifts for her, Gifts For Him, gifts for mom, glitter globe, jewelry, Men's Bracelet, men's ring, Music Box, Personalized, personalized christmas gifts, unique personalized gifts, Women's Necklace, Women's RingPublish Date235 Views
Beth Simon
Christmas is a wonderful holiday, filled with comfort and joy. Coming from a big family, I know firsthand that it can also be a stressful …
In Gift Guides, Gifts for Her, JewelryTags diamond jewelry, fine jewelry, floral jewelry, jewelry, religious jewelry, womens jewelryPublish Date253 Views
Beth Simon
When I was 16, my mother gave me a ring of hers that she had cherished for decades, just as my grandma did when my …