What’s Your Super Bowl Party Personality?

When Super Bowl 50 kicks off on February 7, 2016, millions of Americans will be watching. Over 114 million people tuned in to watch last year’s game, making it the most-watched show in U.S. television history. With this year being the golden anniversary of the Super Bowl, you definitely don’t want to miss out.

Watching the Super Bowl is an American tradition that has something for everyone to enjoy, whether you’re a diehard NFL fan, a football novice, or not even interested in sports. In fact, one of the things that makes this tradition so great is that it brings people of different interests and personalities together. To celebrate the diversity that makes Super Bowl parties so much fun, I made a list of the 8 kinds of people who love watching the game. Read the list to find out which one you are – then share your answer and the post with your friends!

1. The Diehard NFL Fan.

You live and breathe football. You watch every game and pride yourself on knowing the stats, the players, the rules and the history of the game. On game day, you can be found decked out in NFL fan gear and surrounded by fellow fans — watch out if anyone asks questions or talks while you’re watching the game. That’s what commercial breaks are for!

How to Spot Them: Usually decked out in NFL fan gear, and possibly even full face paint.
Super Powers: Knowing the difference between a tight end and a wide receiver.
Achilles Heel: Limited patience for those who ask questions or talk during the game.

2. The Good Sport.

You enjoy football, but you don’t sweat it if you happen to miss a game and you recover pretty quickly when your team loses. Perhaps you’re rooting for a specific team in the Super Bowl, but mostly you’re just happy to watch the action while you hang out with your friends and family.

How to Spot Them: Look for a relaxed posture while watching the game.
Super Powers: Keeping cool when the competition heats up.
Achilles Heel: Sympathizing with poor losers (or poor winners for that matter).

3. Front Row for the Halftime Show.

You may or may not like football, but you know the real entertainment comes at halftime. For you, the game is just background noise and a means to an end: when the second quarter ends, it’s show time! Everyone better pipe down and pay attention when Coldplay and Beyonce take the stage.

How to Spot Them: Socializing while the game is on; on the edge of their seats the second halftime starts.
Super Powers: Pop culture trivia, ability to rank each year’s Super Bowl according to best halftime show.
Achilles Heel: Likely to spend entire second half of the game discussing or Tweeting about the halftime show.

4. Just Here for the Snacks.

You can’t name a single player on either team, but if your friends are having a party (read: offering free food), who cares what’s on TV? You’ll be there, probably with a homemade, Super Bowl themed treat to share. No matter which team wins, you’ll be happy as a clam as long as there are tasty treats and snacks to sample.

How to Spot Them: Look wherever the snacks are. If there are no snacks, they probably already left to find another party.
Super Powers: Making a trophy-worthy treat to share.
Achilles Heel: May quickly lose interest or become distraught if the snacks aren’t up to par.

5. The Commercial Connoisseur.

You watch the Super Bowl for one reason: the commercials. You know which companies will be advertising and which celebrities will be starring, and instead of watching the pre-game show, you’ll be watching teasers and highlights from past years.

How to Spot Them: Shooshing everyone during commercial breaks; following the conversation on Twitter during the game.
Super Powers: Masters of pop culture trivia and Super Bowl advertisement historians.
Achilles Heel: Getting carried away or overly serious about analyzing the commercials.

6. The Party Planner.

You love the Super Bowl, not necessarily because you love football, but because it gives you an excuse to throw a theme party. And there’s nothing you do better — or enjoy more — than hosting. You’ll catch some of the game, but mostly you’ll be busy happily entertaining your guests, refilling plastic cups and making sure everyone has tried the football-shaped whoopie pies.

How to Spot Them: They’re the one introducing guests, taking coats, and surreptitiously sliding colorful napkins under your glass.
Super Powers: DIY-ing decorations, snacks and drinks.
Achilles Heel: Trouble sitting still for more than a few moments.

7. The Trash Talker.

You are passionate about football, fiercely competitive and possess a swaggering confidence when it comes to your team. Or maybe you just enjoy a raucous debate. Either way, you’re always ready with a quick barb when the opposing team drops the ball, and you never miss an opportunity to gloat when your team makes an incredible play.

How to Spot Them: Doing an elaborate victory dance when their team scores; taunting guests who root for the opposite team.
Super Powers: Astounding confidence and, often, a sharp wit.
Achilles Heel: May struggle to maintain composure when on the receiving end of trash talk.

8. The Referee.

You have a talent for diplomacy, which is invaluable at Super Bowl parties where different personalities can lead to conflict. You hate discord and can sense an argument coming long before most people. When you’re not busy distracting Trash Talkers from offending the other guests, you’re helping Diehard Fans and Commercial Connoisseurs find a compromise between their conflicting no-talking policies.

How to Spot Them: Discreetly leading the more social guests into another room during the game and suggesting the diehards get some fresh air during the halftime show.
Super Powers: Keeping the peace and resolving conflicts.
Achilles Heel: May get frustrating trying to reason with passionate fans in the heat of the moment.

Which type of Super Bowl viewer are you? Share your answers in the comments below!

What's Your Super Bowl Party Personality? by
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