How to Write an Unforgettable Mother’s Day Card

“It’s the thought that counts.” How many times have we heard that before? As cliché as it might sound, there’s a lot of truth to that message, especially when it comes to Mother’s Day.

Moms are famous for appreciating the little things, like their kindergarteners’ macaroni necklaces, or their husbands’ valiant efforts to serve breakfast in bed. In their infinite wisdom, mothers know that few things matter more in this world than a kind gesture, time spent with loved ones, and a few heartfelt words to show your love.

That’s why one of the most important parts of giving Mother’s Day gifts is the card. A thoughtful message that comes from the heart will make your gift that much more meaningful. But if you’re stumped about what to say or not sure how to put your feelings into words, not to worry. Below you’ll find 10 easy-to-follow prompts that will help you write a Mother’s Day card your mom will never forget:

10 Things to Say in a Mother’s Day Card

1. I’m always bragging about your…

Moms love to brag about their kids. Now is your chance to return the favor! Whether it’s her financial savvy, her world-famous mac and cheese, or her adventurous spirit, tell Mom what makes you so in awe of her.

2. I’ll never forget the time you…

Reminiscing about the past is a wonderful way to bond with the ones we love. Take a trip down memory lane and share one of your favorite moments you spent with your mom. It can be funny, sentimental, or even just a random memory that doesn’t seem important but for some reason has always stuck with you. Just remembering is in itself an act of love, and it will make you feel closer to each other.

3. You make me feel so special when…

There are so many things moms do to make us feel important, cared for and loved. Think about the last time your mom did something that made your heart melt, and tell her why it meant so much to you. It can be as simple as being there when you needed a shoulder to cry on, or being the first person to call you on your birthday every year. As long as it was important to you, it’s worth sharing.

4. What I admire most about you is…

Moms are such amazing role models. Use this opportunity to show your mom all the ways she’s your hero. If her volunteer work inspires you to be more generous with your time, tell her. If you marvel at her inner strength or creativity, now is the time to let her know.

5. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, like…

We tend to take for granted all the things a mother does for her family. Make a list of all the ways Mom has made your life easier, better and happier, and share it with her. They don’t have to be big things; the little everyday things are just as important and will show Mom you notice and appreciate all that she does. The key is to be specific. The more specific your list is, the more personal your message will be.

6. Thanks for teaching me how to …

Think about everything you learned from your mom. Did she teach you how to fold a fitted sheet, host a dinner party, or stick to a budget? Maybe you learned how to persevere by watching her overcome obstacles, or maybe she helped you become a better mother yourself. Whatever life lessons you learned from your mom, share them with her.

7. I’m proud to have your…

Do you have your mother’s eyes? Her sense of humor? Her math skills or love of nature? Think about the things you share in common with your mom, and tell her why you’re so glad you got those traits from her.

8. I think you’re so beautiful when you…

The two words a mother can never hear enough are “you’re beautiful.” Make the sentiment even more meaningful by telling her when she looks the most radiant to you. Maybe it’s when she laughs, or when she’s talking about her grandkids, or when she’s doing something she’s really good at. She’ll be so touched by your thoughtfulness and sincerity!

9. What I love most about you is…

When in doubt, just tell your mom all the things you love about her. What makes you smile when you think about her? It can be a physical attribute (her smile), a personality trait (her intelligence or compassion), a skill or talent (her singing voice), or something she does (the way she makes everything around her more beautiful).

10. You’re the best at…

Have you ever noticed how a sandwich made by Mom just tastes better? Or how you never feel quite right about a decision until you’ve run it by her? There are some things a mother does that no one will ever be able to compete with. Tell her what she does better than anyone and let her know how irreplaceable she is!

I hope these suggestions will help you write a really special card for your mom this Mother’s Day. Be sure to visit our site for amazing Mother’s Day gifts to go with your card.

If you have any card-writing tips of your own, add a comment below — I’d love to hear them. And if you liked this post and found it helpful, please do share it with your friends. Meanwhile, thanks for reading, and happy writing!

How to Write an Unforgettable Mother's Day Card by
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1 comments On How to Write an Unforgettable Mother’s Day Card

  • Avatar photo

    This is such a beautiful article.
    I’ve always written such a detailed card each year, and on her birthday which is close to Mother’s Day, so lately I’ve been finding it hard to find new inspiration what I can write, that I haven’t written before.
    This will really help.

    Lately I also tend to google quotes about mothers and pick one or two that I really relate with and work them into the card somewhere.

    For example, being a mother isn’t easy, if it were, fathers would do it.

    Thanks for the article!

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