Remember the last time you attended a wedding? The beautiful bride enters the room, and everyone turns to stare. This is her moment to shine and all the eyes in the room are on her. Meanwhile, the groom waits in anticipation while his bride walks down the aisle to join him. When is his chance to shine? Perhaps with his choice of ring.
Just like during the wedding ceremony, a lot of attention is given to the bride’s ring. And rightly so. But shouldn’t the groom’s wedding ring be given equal attention? If it is meant to symbolize the importance, strength, and lasting quality of the relationship he shares with the bride, the answer is most certainly “yes”.
With many weddings being planned this year, there is an opportunity for the men to stand out too, with rings featuring a little bit more flair. Bold rings with stylish touches that let the groom shine along with his bride. The gift experts at The Bradford Exchange have put together a short list of our favorites for the year. And each one includes a custom gift box for safekeeping! Please enjoy our picks for The Best 2022 Wedding Rings for Men
Table of Contents
The Strength of Our Love Personalized Diamond Ring

Strength is a wonderful quality for a relationship to have. And this stainless-steel wedding ring symbolizes that strength with its rugged design. A strong, woven-look cable runs through its center inlay, graced in the center with 3 genuine diamonds, to signify today, tomorrow and always for the love you share. Plus, you can have your special message engraved inside the band to make it even more meaningful to the two of you.
Our Forever Love Personalized Ring

Tungsten is one of the toughest things found in nature, acclaimed for its durability and resistance to high temperatures. It is also the material this classic men’s wedding ring was handcrafted from to celebrate the enduring quality of your bond. A brushed metal band encircles the ring to give it a touch of distinction. What’s more, you can engrave the ring with your names, the date of your wedding or any loving message you like, making the connection to your bond even stronger.
Today, Tomorrow and Always Diamond Ring

Though there are many things that fade in this world, true love will always last. It is the same today, tomorrow and always, a sentiment handsomely expressed with this solid sterling silver wedding ring. In fact, the actual words are engraved inside the band. But they are also illustrated symbolically with a stacked trio of 3 genuine diamonds down the front of the ring. If the sparkle doesn’t get immediate attention, the stylish contemporary design certainly will.
Timeless Love Personalized Diamond Ring

Two-tone looks have become one of the most popular trends in men’s wedding style and this ring features a brilliant one. Its solid stainless-steel design is elevated with a gleaming band of 24K ion plating and engraved inside the band with the special message of your choice. To add an even deeper meaning, 3 genuine diamonds are set into the center band, symbolizing today, tomorrow and always.
So, what do you think? After checking out these thoughtfully designed men’s rings, do you think there’s a chance for the groom to stand out next to his bride? We certainly think so and hope you do as well. If you (or someone close to you) is looking to tie the knot very soon, perhaps consider a unique and original design from us. And congratulations to the two of you!
The Best 2022 Wedding Rings for Men by The Bradford Exchange