10 Reasons Why Grandmas Are the Best

Let’s face it — grandmas are the best. I know mine are. You know what I mean if you’re lucky enough to have known one or both of your grandmas or have had some “honorary grandmas” in your life!

In honor of National Grandparents Day, I’d like to take a moment to list just 10 of the many reasons why I think grandmas are so great. Scroll down to see what I came up with, and share your own in the comments!

Grandma Spoils You

When you told Grandma you really, really wanted that one toy (that makes a bunch of loud noises randomly in the middle of the night), you most likely got it for your birthday or Christmas. The same goes for when you’re an adult, and she gives you something you’ve had your eye on. Some things never change!

Grandma Lets You Get Away with Way More Than Your Parents Do

In our family, we were only allowed to have one soda a week, always on Friday night. At Grandma’s house, though, the only rule was “no soda before breakfast.” Now, that’s a rule my siblings and I could follow!

Grandma Always Has Your Back

“No, Mom, I didn’t have soda BEFORE breakfast at Grandma’s.” (I had it WITH breakfast at Grandma’s…) Grandma would always cover for us kids to spare us from getting a lecture from Mom.

Grandma Knows All the Dirt on Your Parents

Grandma always has a good story to share that your parents definitely don’t want you to hear. And if your parents were anything like mine, they had a few terrible haircuts and outfits when they were young — and Grandma has all the pictures to prove it!

Grandma is a Great Listener

When you were learning how to read and wanted to read her the same book 10 times in a row for practice or wanted to talk about if your date to the prom likes you or likes you, Grandma’s all ears.

Grandma is the Best Cook

There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal made with love. Grandma may have decades of practice making her signature dishes, or she may just use a whole lot of love (and butter) as the special ingredient to make her cooking as good as it gets.

Grandma Knows Fashion

She’s seen styles come and go, so she knows which ones are fads and which ones are here to stay. She also knows how to let loose and have a little fun with her look when the time is right. I mean, even when she was rocking that beehive in the 60s, she looked great!

Grandma Gives the Best Advice

Like her on-point style advice, Grandma knows just what to say to make you feel better when you have a more serious problem. She’s seen a lot in her lifetime, so listen up!

Grandma’s Pride Makes You Feel Like a Star

It may be embarrassing, but it also makes you feel pretty special that she carries around a picture of you in her wallet and wants to show everyone how beautiful or handsome you’ve become. She’s your biggest fan!

Grandma Loves You Unconditionally

If reasons 1-9 didn’t already express this enough, Grandmas love their grandchildren unconditionally. There’s nothing that they wouldn’t do for you, and the love that they’ve given you will stay in your heart and memory forever.

What else makes grandmas the best? What do you love most about your grandma? What do you love most about being a grandma yourself? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

If you’d like to share your love with your grandma in an unforgettable way or find something special for yourself, don’t miss the amazing gifts for grandmothers available from The Bradford Exchange Online. You’re sure to discover a treasure that makes her feel as special as she is to you!

10 Reasons Why Grandmas Are the Best by


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