As a kid, I was definitely “Daddy’s little girl,” and I still feel the same way today! He’s such an important part of my life …
Father’s Day
In Father's Day, Gift Guides, Gifts for HimTags dad gift ideas, father's day, Father's Day gifts for sports fans, Father's Day jewelry gifts, fathers day gifts, gift ideas for fathers day, military Father's Day gifts, religious Father's Day gifts, unique fathers day giftsPublish Date155 Views
Beth Simon
Now that Mother’s Day is over, it’s time to focus on Dad! Father’s Day will be here before you know it, so I wanted to …
In Father's Day, Gift Guides, Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, Home Decor, Pop CultureTags Elvis collectibles, Elvis Presley apparel, Elvis Presley collectibles, Elvis Presley figurines, Elvis Presley jewelryPublish Date420 Views
Beth Simon
Elvis, the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. From his curled lip and slick black hair to his effortlessly cool swagger, Elvis Presley had a knack …
In Father's Day, Gift Guides, Gifts for Him, Home Decor, Pop CultureTags star trek collcetibles, STAR TREK Collector Plate, STAR TREK Cuckoo Clock, STAR TREK Express Train, STAR TREK Transponder LampPublish Date484 Views
Beth Simon
Captain’s Log: Bradford Exchange Blog #239… The crew and I are all abuzz over the excitement around STAR TREK™ lately. Following in my older brother’s …