Every day, everywhere you go, heroes are among us. They may not be wearing capes or have the power of flight, but you can bet …
Gifts for Him
Music is a powerful medium. Musicians can make us feel deep emotions with their melodies and lyrics. Many people are drawn to a certain genre …
In Gift Guides, Gifts for Her, Gifts for HimTags lighters, zippo lightersPublish Date576 Views
Beth Simon
Lighters. A simple device that lets you make fire with a single flick of a finger. If you aren’t a smoker, candle person, or concert …
In Christmas, Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, Gifts for MomTags personalized christmas gifts, personalized gifts, personalized jewelryPublish Date133 Views
Beth Simon
December is here and that means it’s time to really start tackling that Christmas list! I have a big list of people that I buy …