Ireland Forever: 3 Staples of Irish Pride

Éirinn go Brách — Ireland forever. For those of you lucky enough to have visited Ireland before, you know how the eternal beauty of the Emerald Isle stays within your heart. And, if you have Irish heritage, you carry that pride wherever you go!

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, people I know (both Irish and not) are starting to dig out their “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” t-shirts and green bowler hats from the back of their closets in preparation of all the Irish-themed festivities that await them. That’s always fun, but when St. Patrick’s Day is over, is the Irish pride gone? Of course not!

Scroll down to see 3 staples of Irish pride, and how you can share it in style all year!

The Claddagh

One of the most iconic symbols of Ireland, the first appearance of the Claddagh traces back to jewelry makers from the early 1700s in the small village of Claddagh in Galway. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love and the crown represents loyalty.

If the Claddagh is showcased on a ring, the way it’s worn indicates the wearer’s relationship status. If the heart points towards the fingertips on the right hand, you are single and looking for love. If the heart points inwards, that means you are taken. When worn on the left hand pointing outwards, it indicates that you are engaged, and inwards means you’re married.

Irish Love Pendant Necklace and Ring


Necklace: Irish Love Pendant Necklace

Ring: Heart of Ireland Ring

The Irish Blessing

“May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

Although the author of this beloved blessing is unknown, it has resonated with people for generations with its beautiful intention and representations of nature. If you’re looking for a stunning way to let your Irish pride shine, may one of these rings be always on your finger!

Irish Rings

Left: The Legend of Ireland Mystic Topaz Ring

Right: For the Love of Ireland Ring

The Celtic Cross

Celtic knots, intricate patterns that have no beginning and no end, were used as motifs in Celtic art even before 450 AD, when the Christian influence on the Celts started to take hold. In the mid-19th century, Celtic crosses featuring these knot designs began to gain popularity during a period known as the Celtic Revival, which reflected a renewed interest in Celtic culture. Still today, these stunning expressions of faith remain a cherished symbol of Ireland’s rich heritage.

Celtic Knot Necklaces

Left: Celtic Blessings Pendant Necklace

Right: Celtic Inspiration Pendant Necklace

However you choose to celebrate your Irish pride on St. Patrick’s Day and throughout the year, it’s good to keep this Irish proverb in mind: “If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough.” Not Irish? You’re also in luck, because as the more recent proverb goes: “everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!”

Did you learn something new about these staples of Irish pride? Are there any ones that aren’t on my list? Tell me below! Also, make sure to visit The Bradford Exchange Online to see our entire selection of Irish pride treasures.

Thank you for reading and please share this post to share your Irish pride!

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